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Living life with Ley
iMedicine shares a lot of greed with Big Pharma
Oh, boy, this post could be as long as I wanted ir to be, so I'll just make it short. I'll just list here a few high-profile cases (all...
Should we trust imedicine? - Part 3/n
In this post we'll start to give the reason for you not to trust imedicine so blindly, that is, we'll give you the examples of the...
Should you trust imedicine? Part 2/n
Here I'll explain what I mean by medicine as an institution, or imedicine, as I call it. I actually assume that you kind of already know...
Should you trust imedicine? - Part 1/n
Should you trust medicine, as an institution? Long story short, no. I mean, not blindly. You might think that you know what I'm talking...
Medicine is poweful
In this post, I'll start talking about the global biomedical technocracy You feel a itching in your throat. Or maybe a sore back. Or a...
Why I hate medicine - Part One: My personal experience
I don't like medicine. No, let me rephrase it: I truly don't like medicine. I hate it. Here's why. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE I had a bad...
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